Firstfruits Services, in partnership with CANSO, presents

Winning Strategies to Become

a Gen-Z Talent Magnet

A free webinar on…

Thursday 20th March

1200-1330 GMT

From airlines to airports and air navigation services, available metrics show the industry has struggled to engage Gen-Z and needs to significantly increase its attraction of young graduates in the coming years. As the world of work and economic circumstances change, aviation is not the only industry having this problem.

In part one of a webinar series, we will be speaking to experts and practitioners in the field of Gen-Z attraction who have both built Gen-Z companies and have worked with leading companies across sectors in developing a Gen-Z workforce. They will be taking us beyond a diagnosis of the problem to effective solutions which can be translated to the context of aviation organisations today.

Our global speakers will be announced in the coming days! Sign up now to hear the announcements and attend for free, as well as learning about other webinars in this series from CANSO and Firstfruits Services.

If your organisation is looking at this strategic area and wants evidence-based insights that work, this is the webinar for you.